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Jon Hird Complete. English Grammar

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1 Jon Hird Complete The English Grammar for Italian Students Mini Recupero course Indice generale Il numero tra parentesi indica le unità corrispondenti in The Complete English Grammar for Italian Students, che include spiegazioni grammaticali ed esercizi supplementari sull argomento. 1 Be e there is/are (1 3) 2 Present simple e have got (5 7) 3 Present continuous (9 11) 4 Past simple e used to (16 19, 23) 5 Past continuous e past simple (21 22) 6 Present perfect simple e continuous (25 27, 30 31) 7 Present perfect e past simple (25 28) 8 Past perfect (33) 9 Tempi futuri 1: decisioni, piani ed eventi prefissati (37 40) 10 Tempi futuri 2: previsioni e ipotesi (40, 42) 11 Ripasso dei tempi verbali (1 44) 12 Forma passiva e have something done (47 52) 13 Verbi modali 1: tempi presenti (54 59, 62) 14 Verbi modali 2: tempi passati (54 59, 62) 15 Domande (65 66) 16 Domande indirette (70) 17 Verbi + -ing o infinito (75 78) 18 Strutture verbali (87 92) 19 Discorso indiretto (97 99) 20 Periodo ipotetico e wish ( ) 21 Nomi ( ) 22 Articoli ( ) 23 Quantificatori ( ) 24 Pronomi e possessivi ( ) 25 Preposizioni ( , ) 26 Phrasal verbs ( ) 27 Aggettivi ( ) 28 Avverbi ( ) 29 Frasi relative ( ) 30 Coesione ( ) Le pagine sono numerate da 30 a 59, come sul Teacher s Time Saver Resource Book. The Complete English Grammar Oxford University Press Photocopiable 1

2 1 Be e there is/are (1 3) Present simple di be Forma completa Affermativa e negativa I am (not) you/we/they are (not) he/she/it is (not) Forma contratta I m (not) you/we/they re (not) o you/we/they aren t he/she/it s (not) o he/she/it isn t Domande Am I? Are you/we/they? Is he/she/it? Risposte brevi Yes, I am./yes, we are./yes, it is. ecc. No, I m not./no, we aren t./no, it isn t. ecc. There is/are Forma singolare Forma plurale Affermativa e negativa There s / There isn t There are / There are(n t) Domande e risposte brevi Is there? Yes, there is. / No, there isn t. Are there? Yes, there are. / No, there aren t. 1 Completa domande e risposte con la forma corretta di be. 0 A What s your name? B My name s Alex. 1 A you English? B Yes, I. I from London. 2 A How old you? B I A When your birthday? B It on 24th January. 4 A What your favourite subjects at school? b history and art. I really interested in modern art. 5 A What your address? B It 2 Riscrivi le frasi alla forma negativa. 0 I m hungry. I m not hungry. 1 It s raining. 2 I m tired. 3 Dinner is ready. 4 My parents are here. 5 You re late. 3 Scrivi le risposte brevi usando le informazioni tra parentesi. 0 Are you hungry? ( ) Yes, I am. 0 Is your name Anna? (Maria) No, it isn t. It s Maria. 1 Are you from Spain? (Italy) 2 Are you a student? ( ) 3 Is your mum a nurse? (a doctor) 4 Is it raining at the moment? ( ) 5 Are your parents in their 30s? (40s) 4 Leggi le informazioni sul Galaxy Hotel, poi completa le domande e scrivi le risposte brevi usando la forma corretta di there is o there are. Galaxy Hotel facilities 0 TV in every room 1 Wi-fi internet access 2 Restaurants 3 Swimming pool 4 Gym 5 Sauna 6 IT facilities 0 Is there a TV in every room? Yes, there is. 1 wi-fi internet access? 2 any restaurants? 3 a swimming pool? 4 a gym? 5 a sauna? 6 any IT facilities? 5 Scrivi frasi vere sulla tua città usando le espressioni del riquadro. there s a there isn t a there are + number 0 sports centre There are two sports centres. 1 swimming pool 2 airport 3 river 4 park 5 university 6 football stadium 30 The Complete English Grammar Oxford University Press Photocopiable

3 2 Present simple e have got (5 7) Present simple Affermativa Frasi I/you/we/they live he/she/it lives Domande Do I/you/we/they Does he/she/it live? Negativa I/you/we/they don t he/she/it doesn t Risposte brevi live Yes, I do./yes, he does. ecc. No, I don t./no, he doesn t. ecc. In genere si usa il present simple per parlare di fatti (I speak Italian.), situazioni permanenti (They live in Rome.), abitudini e azioni abituali (I go to school every day.) stati d animo, e simpatie/antipatie (I love chocolate.). Have got Frasi Affermativa I/you/we/they have he/she/it has got Negativa I/you/we/they haven t he/she/it hasn t got Domande Have I/you/we/they Has he/she/it got? Risposte brevi Yes, I have./yes, he has. ecc. No, I haven t. /No, he hasn t. ecc. Si usa have got per parlare di possesso (I ve got a piano.), per esprimere le caratteristiche o qualità di qualcosa (He s got brown hair.) e le relazioni (She s got two brothers.). 1 Completa le frasi con la forma corretta dei verbi del riquadro. go go have got have got live live play speak work 0 I live in Venice. 1 I the guitar. 2 My parents in a bank. 3 My sister Italian and German. 4 She in an apartment in Rome. 5 I to school by bus. 6 My brother to school by bike. 7 I a scooter. 8 My sister a car. 2 Scrivi la forma negativa delle frasi dell Esercizio 1. 0 I don t live in Venice Completa le domande per queste risposte. 0 A Where do you live? B I live in Perugia. 1 A Who with? B I live with my parents. 2 a any brothers or sisters? B I ve got two sisters. 3 a What kind of school to? B I go to an Istituto Tecnico. 4 A What subjects? B I study science and computer studies. 5 A school? B Yes, I enjoy it very much. 6 A any sports? B I play football and tennis. 4 Usa i suggerimenti per scrivere le domande e le risposte su James. 0 where / live? Where does he live? in Brescia He lives in Brescia. 1 has got / any brothers or sisters? two brothers 2 play / a musical instrument? the drums 3 what sports / play? football and tennis 4 what kind of music / listen to rock and punk 5 Scrivi le risposte brevi come negli esempi. 0 Do you speak English? ( ) Yes, I do. 0 Do you play the piano? ( ) No, I don t. 1 Do you study English at school? ( ) 2 Do your parents speak English? ( ) 3 Do you like rugby? ( ) 4 Does it ever snow in your city? ( ) 5 Does your mother work? ( ) 6 Have you got a pet? ( ) 7 Has your school got a swimming pool? ( ) 8 Do you play a musical instrument? ( ) The Complete English Grammar Oxford University Press Photocopiable 31

4 3 Present continuous (9 11) Affermativa Negativa Frasi I m working you/we/they re he/she/it s working I m not you/we/they re not o aren t he/she/it s not o isn t working Domande Am I Are you/we/they Is he/she/it working? Risposte brevi Yes, I am. / Yes, we are. / Yes he is. ecc. No, I m not. / No, we aren t. / No, he isn t. ecc. Il present continuous si usa per parlare di azioni che vengono viste come temporanee e in corso di svolgimento (It s raining. I m having driving lessons. Your English is improving.). In genere non si usa il present continuous per parlare di stati d animo, pensieri, sentimenti e intuizioni (You look tired.). 1 Completa le frasi con la forma corretta dei verbi del riquadro. have listen play rain read wait wear At the moment 0 it s raining. 1 I to music. 2 my sister driving lessons. 3 you jeans. 4 I a really good book. 5 my friends football outside. 6 they for the bus. 2 Scrivi la forma negativa delle frasi dell Esercizio 1. At the moment 0 it isn t raining Completa le domande per queste risposte. 0 A Where are you going? B I m going to the shops. 1 A What to? B I m listening to a Snow Patrol album. 2 A? B Yes, it is. Take your umbrella. 3 A Who to? B Jenny is talking to her cousin, Vanessa. 4 A for someone? B Yes, I am. I m waiting for Julia. 5 A What for? B They re looking for Daniel s keys. 6 a a good book at the moment? B Yes, I am. It s called Perfume by Patrick Suskind. 7 A What? B I m watching a documentary about the Arctic. 8 A What? B I m cooking risotto. Do you want some? 4 Completa i dialoghi con il present simple o il present continuous dei verbi tra parentesi. 0 A Where do you work (work)? b i usually work (work) in Rome, but I m working (work) in Genoa at the moment. 1 A Be quiet! I (try) to listen to the radio. b Sorry. What you (listen) to? 2 A Can I speak to George, please? b i m afraid he (be) busy at the moment. He (have) a guitar lesson. 3 A Where you (go)? b To play tennis with Sandy. We (play) every Sunday. 4 a What Peter and Sue (do)? B They (play) a computer game. 5 A What you (read)? B Match. It s a magazine about football. I (buy) it every week. 6 A Which one is Robert? b he (stand) next to the window. He (talk) to James. 7 a What you (eat)? It (look) delicious. b it s seafood risotto. I always (have) it in this restaurant. 8 A What Suzy (wear)? b i (not know) what it is. But it (look) like it (belong) to her grandmother! 32 The Complete English Grammar Oxford University Press Photocopiable

5 4 Past simple e used to (16 19, 23) Past simple di be Frasi I/he/she/it was(n t) you/we/they were(n t) Domande Was I/he/she/it...? Were you/we/they...? Risposte brevi Yes, I was. / No, I wasn t. ecc. Yes, we were. / No, we weren t. ecc. Past simple Verbi regolari si aggiunge-ed alla forma base I worked, we played, she wanted Verbi irregolari devi impararli a memoria have had, see saw, go went, ecc. Per le frasi negative, le domande e le risposte brevi si usa il verbo ausiliare did. I didn t go out. Did you see the film? ~ Yes, I did. Il past simple si usa per parlare di situazioni o eventi passati e finiti (We went to the beach yesterday.). Used to Affermativa I used to play the piano. There used to be a park here. Negativa I didn t use to enjoy school. She didn t use to like jazz. Domande Did you use to smoke? Did there use to be a school here? Used to si usa per esprimere situazioni che non esistono più. 1 Completa le frasi con il past simple dei verbi tra parentesi. 0 I listened (listen) to the radio this morning. 1 My mother (study) biology at university. 2 My sister (pass) her exam. 3 I (watch) TV last night. 4 We (play) football yesterday. 5 Simona (stop) for petrol on the way here. 2 Scrivi la forma negativa delle frasi dell Esercizio 1. 0 I didn t listen to the radio this morning. 1 biology at university. 2 her exam. 3 TV last night. 4 football yesterday. 5 for petrol on the way here. 3 Scrivi la forma interrogativa delle frasi dell Esercizio 1. 0 Did you listen to the radio this morning? 1 biology at university? 2 her exam? 3 TV last night? 4 football yesterday? 5 for petrol on the way here? 4 Completa i dialoghi con la forma corretta del past simple dei verbi tra parentesi. 0 A What did you do (do) at the weekend? b on Saturday I went (go) shopping and on Sunday I visited (visit) my grandparents. 1 A Where (be) you born? b i (be) born in France. Then we (move) to Italy. 2 a you (get) wet when it (start) raining? b Yes. I (not take) my umbrella with me. 3 a you (go) to Maria s party last week? b Yes, I (do). It (be) great! A (be) there many people there? b Yes, about fifty. But I (spend) most of the night talking to Carla. Why you (not go)? a oh, I (go) to my grandparents house. It (be) their wedding anniversary. 4 A We (go) to the cinema last night. b oh, what you (see)? A A film called True Love. b i (see) that last week. I really (enjoy) it. What you (think) of it? a i (not think) it (be) very good. I (think) it was boring. 5 Leggi le informazioni su Tom e scrivi delle frasi su di lui usando used to o didn t use to e le parole date. Tom ten years ago Tom now He ate meat. he is a vegetarian. He smoked. he doesn t smoke. He never went to the gym. He goes to the gym every day. He wore glasses. He wears contact lenses. 0 He used to eat meat. eat meat 1 smoke 2 go to the gym 3 wear glasses 4 wear contact lenses The Complete English Grammar Oxford University Press Photocopiable 33

6 5 Past continuous e past simple (21 22) Past continuous Affermativa Negativa Frasi I/he/she/it was you/we/they were working I/he/she/it wasn t you/we/they weren t working Domande Was I/ he/she/it Were you/we/they working? Risposte brevi Yes, I was. / Yes, we were. ecc. No, he wasn t. / No, they weren t. ecc. Il past continuous si usa per esprimere azioni in corso di svolgimento in un tempo particolare del passato (I was driving to work at 8.30 this morning.). Il past continuous e il past simple si possono usare insieme per esprimere un azione avvenuta nel passato mentre un altra era in corso di svolgimento (I fell asleep while I was watching TV last night.). 1 Completa le frasi con il past continuous dei verbi tra parentesi. 0 I was having (have) breakfast at 7 o clock this morning. 1 It (rain) at 9 o clock this morning. 2 I (watch) TV at 8.30 last night. 3 We (live) in Milan in The school computers (not work) this morning. 5 I was cold because I (not wear) a coat. 2 Completa le frasi con il past continuous o il past simple dei verbi tra parentesi. 0 Bill Gates was studying (study) at Harvard University when he decided (decide) to start his computer company. 1 The Titanic (sail) to America when it (hit) an iceberg. 2 JRR Tolkien (write) The Lord of the Rings while he (teach) at Oxford University. 3 Isaac Newton first (start) to think about gravity when he (sit) in a garden and an apple (fall) on his head. 3 Scrivi le risposte brevi per i fatti menzionati nell Esercizio 2. Aggiungi l informazione corretta quando è necessario. 0 Was Bill Gates studying at Yale University when he decided to start his computer company? No, he wasn t. He was studying at Harvard University. 1 Was the Titanic sailing to the UK when it hit an iceberg? 2 Was JRR Tolkien teaching at Oxford University when he wrote The Lord of the Rings? 3 Was Isaac Newton walking through a park when he first had the idea of gravity? 4 Completa i dialoghi con la forma corretta del past continuous o del past simple dei verbi tra parentesi. 0 a i saw (see) you this morning. Were you doing (you/do) some shopping? b Yes, I bought (buy) a lovely new skirt and some cool trousers. 1 A How (John/break) his arm? B He (climb) a tree and he (fall) out. A What (he/do) in the tree? B He (try) to rescue a cat! 2 a (you/be) outside when it (start) raining? b Yes. We (play) football at the time. We (get) completely wet. 3 a i (see) you yesterday evening. You (come) out of the library. b oh yes. I (need) to return some books. 4 A How (you/meet) your girlfriend? b She (work) in a café that I always (go) to. One day I (ask) her out. 5 a Sorry I (not ) you earlier, but my computer (not work) properly. b That s OK. (you solve) the problem? a Yes, it (be) something to do with the security settings. 6 a i (see) Andy last night. He (drive) his dad s car. b andy (drive)? When (he/pass) his driving test? A Last week, I think. 34 The Complete English Grammar Oxford University Press Photocopiable

7 6 Present perfect simple e continuous (25 27, 30 31) Present perfect simple e continuous Per formare il present perfect, si usa il presente di have + past participle. He s finished his homework but I haven t finished mine. Have they arrived? ~ Yes, they have. Per formare il present perfect continuous, si usa il presente di have + been + -ing. I ve been working hard. I haven t been relaxing! Has he been revising for his exams? ~ Yes, he has. Si usa il present perfect per esprimere un evento o una situazione che hanno conseguenze nel presente (I ve lost my keys. Have you ever been to the UK?) o per parlare di un azione iniziata nel passato e che continua nel presente (I ve had this mobile for about a year.). Di norma si usa la forma continua del present perfect per esprimere un attività prolungata o ripetuta. (I ve been driving all day. How long have you been waiting?) Since e for Per descrivere la durata di un azione si usano since e for. Since si usa per descrivere il momento d inizio di un azione (Italy has been a republic since I ve been studying French since 2005.). Si usa for per esprimere il periodo di tempo (We ve lived here for five years. You ve been reading for two hours!). 1 Completa le frasi con il present perfect dei verbi tra parentesi. 0 Helen has never drunk (drink) wine. 1 I (live) in Rome all my life. 2 Darina (lose) her keys. 3 you ever (eat) Thai food? 4 My parents (be) married for 20 years. 5 you (see) Samantha recently? 6 It (not rain) for a few weeks now. 7 I (not take) my driving test yet. 8 you (already have) lunch? 2 Riscrivi le frasi in modo che il significato non cambi usando il present perfect dei verbi in corsivo. 0 He s not here any more. go He s gone. 1 This place is different. change 2 Stella isn t at home. go out 3 Do you know about Lisa? hear 4 Is your hair a different colour? dye 5 There s no ink in the printer. run out of 3 Completa le domande con il present perfect continuous dei verbi del riquadro. do fix phone play rain wait 0 A You re covered in oil! B Yes. I ve been fixing my scooter. 1 A You look hot! B Yes. I some exercise. 2 A Why are you so dirty? B We rugby. 3 A This weather is terrible! B Yes. It for days. 4 A Have you spoken to Harry? b No, I haven t. I him all morning, but there s no answer. 5 A The bus is late. B How long you? A About twenty minutes so far. 4 Scegli l alternativa corretta. 0 How long have you watched / have you been watching TV? 1 I m exhausted. I ve driven / I ve been driving all day. 2 Have you bought / Have you been buying a new mobile yet? 3 Have you ever drunk / Have you ever been drinking champagne? 4 At last we ve finished / we ve been finishing the exams! 5 How many times have you seen / have you been seeing this film? 6 Sorry we re late. Have you waited / Have you been waiting long? 7 Have you had / Have you been having lunch yet? 8 You can t find your keys? Have you looked / Have you been looking under the sofa? 5 Completa le frasi con for o since. 0 I ve been interested in astronomy since I was about eight. 1 I haven t seen Oliver the weekend. 2 We ve lived here I was ten. 3 I haven t seen Jenny weeks. 4 It s been raining about two hours. 5 I haven t eaten breakfast. 6 I ve had this mobile six months. 7 We ve lived here They ve been waiting about ten minutes. The Complete English Grammar Oxford University Press Photocopiable 35

8 7 Present perfect e past simple (25 28) Present perfect o past simple? Il present perfect collega il passato al presente. In particolare, descrive qualcosa che ha ancora una relazione con il presente (Peter s broken his leg.). Il past simple descrive solo qualcosa avvenuto o iniziato nel passato (Peter broke his leg last year.). Espressioni di tempo Si usa il present perfect con un espressione di tempo non finito (recently, this week, since 2009, yet, so far ecc.). Si usa il past simple con espressioni di tempo finito (for ten minutes, half an hour ago, at 6.30, last week, in 2007 ecc.). 1 Scegli l alternativa corretta. 0 It hasn t rained since last week / last week. 1 Have you seen Thomas this / last week? 2 I didn t watch TV recently / last night. 3 I haven t spoken to Jim since / at the weekend. 4 I ve spent a lot of money recently / last week. 5 We didn t have lunch yet / today. 6 I ve been to the USA twice last year / so far. 7 It s rained a lot recently / yesterday. 8 Did you see Jim this morning / recently? 9 Have you finished your exams yesterday / yet? 10 I haven t seen Oliver for ages / last week. 2 Scegli l alternativa corretta. 0 I went / I ve been to the UK twice. 1 I didn t speak / haven t spoken to Sandra recently. 2 The meeting was / has been last Friday. 3 My parents got married / have got married in I didn t see / haven t seen Alex since the weekend. 5 Have you seen / Did you see Riccardo the other day? 6 We didn t watch / haven t watched TV last night. 7 It was / It s been my birthday yesterday. 8 Sorry I m late. I ve missed / I missed the bus. 9 You look worried did you lose / have you lost something? 10 Where s my bike? Someone took / has taken it! 3 Completa le frasi e i dialoghi con il present perfect o il past simple dei verbi tra parentesi. 0 We ve lived (live) here for ten years. We moved (move) here when I was about four. 1 I (not see) Chris for a month. I last (see) him at your birthday party. 2 My mother (be) born in Argentina, but she (move) to Italy when she (be) five years old and she (live) here ever since. 3 I (go) to Corsica last year, but I (never/be) to mainland France. 4 a you ever (meet) a famous person? b Yes. I once (meet) the footballer David Beckham in Milan. a you (speak) to him? B Yes, I (ask) him for his autograph. A Can I see it? b No, I (sell) it last year. 5 A you (hear)? Lucy (break) her arm, so she can t play in the volleyball competition! B Oh no how (she/do) that? A She (do) it when she was skiing. 6 A How s your sister? b Well, I (not see) her for ages, but I (get) an from her this morning. She (just/start) a new job. 7 A you ( ) Alan yet? B Yes, I (do) it a few minutes ago. 8 a i can t find my MP3 player. you (see) it? b Yes, it (be) on the kitchen table a few minutes ago. 4 Completa le coppie di frasi con l espressione di tempo corretta in corsivo. 0 a I ve been busy recently. b I was busy last month. last month recently 1 a We ve been on holiday twice. b We went on holiday twice. last year this year 2 a i haven t seen Pedro. b I didn t see Pedro. last night recently 3 a i went to the gym twice. b i ve been to the gym twice. yesterday this week 4 a We ve lived in several places. b We lived in several places. over the last few years when we were at university 5 a Samantha arrived. b Samantha s arrived. already at about The Complete English Grammar Oxford University Press Photocopiable

9 8 Past perfect e past perfect continuous (33 35) Il past perfect si forma con had + past participle. At nine o clock I d finished my homework but Maria hadn t started hers. Had all the food been eaten when you got there? Il past perfect si usa per un evento che è accaduto prima di un altro o che è accaduto prima di un tempo specifico del passato (Tony had left when we arrived.). Il past perfect continuous si forma con had been + -ing. I d been working all day, so I was tired. I saw Anna carrying lots of bags yesterday. ~ Had she been shopping? Si usa la forma progressiva del past perfect per indicare che l attività era in corso oppure è stata ripetuta in un periodo di tempo (We d been waiting for about forty minutes when he finally arrived.). 1 Cerchia l azione che è avvenuta per prima. 0 a We d had lunch when Katie arrived. b We had lunch when Katie arrived. 1 a The robbers ran away when the police arrived. b The robbers had run away when the police arrived. 2 a When I arrived, they started the meeting. b When I arrived, they d started the meeting. 3 a Charlie left when we got to the party. b Charlie had left when we got to the party. 2 Leggi l elenco delle cose che Toby deve fare per organizzare la sua festa. Usa il past perfect per ciò che ha fatto e non ha fatto prima dell inizio della festa. Party things to do 0 Buy the drinks 3 Move the furniture 1 Prepare the food 4 Choose the music 2 Tell the neighbours 5 Put up the decorations When the party started 0 he d bought the drinks Completa i dialoghi con il past perfect o il past simple dei verbi dei riquadri. eat already/eat 0 A Why didn t you have lunch with us today? B Because I d already eaten. I ate with Guido. already/arrange go 1 A You didn t come out with us last night. Why not? b Sorry, but I to go out with William. We for a pizza. arrive already/leave 2 A Did you see Emily at the party? B No, I quite late and she. finish want 3 A Why did you throw the magazine away? b because I reading it. you to borrow it? not meet speak 4 A Was this morning the first time you met Alan? b Well, we, but we on the phone a couple of times. already/know tell 5 A You didn t seem surprised to hear the news. b oh, I. Jenny me at the weekend. 4 Riferisci i titoli di giornale usando il past perfect continuous. 0 Brad and Victoria lived apart for three years before they divorced Brad and Victoria had been living apart for three years before they divorced. 1 Lottery jackpot winner used the same numbers for thirty years Amazing! The jackpot winner for thirty years. 2 Athlete Mary Jones used performance-enhancing drugs for years Apparently, Mary Jones for years. 3 Cup final referee drank alcohol before game The referee of the cup final before the game. 4 Double agent worked for Russia for ten years Apparently, that spy for ten years. The Complete English Grammar Oxford University Press Photocopiable 37

10 9 Tempi futuri 1: decisioni, piani ed eventi prefissati (37 40) Per parlare di decisioni, piani ed eventi prefissati si usano rispettivamente will, be going to e il present continuous. Will Be going to Present continuous Si usa will per esprimere una decisione spontanea. Si usa be going to per parlare di piani e intenzioni future. Si usa il present continuous per parlare di eventi futuri già organizzati e prefissati. I ll call you later. I m going to do my homework. I m meeting Jane tonight. 1 Leggi gli appunti di John e scrivi ciò che ha intenzione di fare usando i verbi in corsivo. 3 Leggi l e decidi se le azioni sono pianificate o esprimono un intenzione. Riscrivile nella tabella. 0 bedroom 1 birthday present for Sam 2 to Jane 3 university application form 4 homework 5 train tickets Intended Arranged I m having a party 0 He s going to tidy his bedroom. tidy 1 buy 2 send 3 fill in 4 do 5 book 2 Leggi la pagina dell agenda di Fiona e completa le frasi con il present continuous dei verbi del riquadro. go go to play meet have Saturday shopping with Valerie 2.30 tennis with Karen 8.00 jazz concert Sunday Linda for coffee 2.00 driving lesson 0 at on Saturday, she s going shopping with Valerie. 1 At 2.30,. 2 At 8.00,. 3 On Sunday, at midday,. 4 At 2.00,. Hi Toni, I m having a party next weekend. My parents are going away for a few days and I ve got the house to myself. Steve s doing the music and I m going to ask Greg s new band to play. I m just inviting a few people from school, and I m probably going to invite my cousins Joanna and Cristina I think you ve met them before. I m not going to tell my parents (well, not until they get back), so keep it quiet! I hope you can come! Love, Gemma x 4 Leggi le situazioni e completa le frasi con will o be going to e le espressioni del riquadro. get my umbrella get some petrol go to an ATM have the calzone pay you back tomorrow post a letter wash the car 0 Your friend is ordering her food in a restaurant. She says: I ll have the calzone. 1 As you leave the house, it starts to rain. You say: 2 Your brother is leaving the house with a letter in his hand. He says: 3 Your dad is walking towards the car with a bucket of water and a cloth. He says: 4 Your friend lends you some money to buy a drink. You say: 5 You realize you have no money. You say: 6 You are on the back of your friend s scooter. Your friend signals to go into a petrol station. She says: 38 The Complete English Grammar Oxford University Press Photocopiable

11 10 Tempi futuri 2: previsioni e ipotesi (40, 42) Will e be going to Si possono usare will e be going to per fare previsioni e ipotesi. Will Be going to Si usa will per fare previsioni in base a una sensazione o a un opinione personale. Si usa be going to per fare previsioni fondate su premesse reali che si manifestano già nel presente. Future continuous e future perfect Don t worry. We ll find your keys. I think it s going to rain. Si possono usare il future continuous (Everyone will be driving solar powered cars in fifty years.) e il future perfect (By the end of the century, we ll have discovered life on another planet.) per fare delle previsioni. 1 Quali tra le battute di B esprime: a una previsione basata su una sensazione o a un opinione personale? b una previsione basata su premesse reali? 0 A Look at those black clouds! B Yes. It s going to rain, isn t it? b 1 A We re going to Disneyland at the weekend. B Oh, you ll have a great time. 2 A Oh no look at the traffic! B Yeah, we re going to be late. 3 A Wow! Look at the prices on this menu! B Yeah, it s going to be an expensive meal. 4 A I can t find my ID card. B Don t worry, we ll find it soon. 2 Scegli l alternativa corretta. 0 A I ve looked everywhere for my camera. B Don t worry we ll find / we re going to find it. 1 A Brrr! It s freezing! B Yes. I think it ll snow / it s going to snow. 2 A You look ill. Are you OK? B No, I m not. I think I ll be / I m going to be sick. 3 A I m not going to go on the school trip. b i think you ll regret / you re going to regret it. 4 A Look at all this work we ve got to do. B Yeah, I know. It ll be / It s going to be a long day. 5 A Help! I ll drop / I m going to drop these boxes. B Hang on. I ll help you. 6 a i got these earrings for Belinda s birthday. Do you think she ll like / she s going to like them? B I think she ll love / she s going to love them. 7 A That skier doesn t look very steady, does he? B No, he doesn t. He ll fall / He s going to fall. 8 a i need to borrow Jamie s bike to go to the shops. He won t mind, will he / isn t going to mind, is he? b No, I m sure he won t / isn t going to. He isn t using it at the moment. 3 Che cosa diresti in queste situazioni? Usa going to e le parole in corsivo. 0 You are stuck in traffic. You say We re going to be late. be late 1 You see lots of back clouds. You say It rain 2 The petrol gauge of your scooter is on zero. There is no petrol station for 100 kilometres. You say I run out of petrol 3 The score is Liverpool 3, Lazio 0. There are five minutes of the game remaining. You say Liverpool win 4 It s the morning and there s a lovely blue sky. You say It a nice day 5 You are waiting at the bus stop. The bus is coming but is driving very fast. You say The bus not stop 6 It starts raining and you have no umbrella. You say We get wet. 4 Completa l articolo con la forma corretta di will e i verbi tra parentesi. Population to reach 10 billion by 2050 By the middle of this century, the world s population 0 will have reached (reach) ten billion. Today, the global population is around 6.5 billion but, according to a United Nations report, by 2050 it 1 (rise) by about 50% and 2 (be) in the region of ten billion. Population growth 3 (be) greatest in the developing world and 4 (be) highest in cities. According the report, in 2050 over half of the world s population 5 (live) in cities. The study also predicts that by 2030, India 6 (overtake) China as the world s most populous country. The Complete English Grammar Oxford University Press Photocopiable 39

12 11 Ripasso dei tempi verbali (1 44) 1 Scegli l alternativa corretta. 0 a is this the first time you visited / you ve visited the UK? B No, I came / have come here two years ago. 1 A Do you play / Are you playing a musical instrument? B Yes, the guitar, but I m not very good. 2 A Are you from Rome originally? b No, I m / I have been from Milan originally. We moved / We ve moved to Rome when I was about six and we live / we ve lived here ever since. 3 a Did you get / Have you got wet when it has rained / it rained earlier? B Yes. We played / were playing football at the time. 4 A What do you watch / are you watching? B Oh, it s a documentary about computer games. It s / It s being really interesting. 5 A Oh look, Carrie left / has left her jacket here. B OK, I ll phone / I m going to phone her and tell her. 6 A I have seen / saw you last night. You walked / were walking along James Street at about 8.30 b Yes, that s right. I ve just been / I d just been to Steve s house. 2 Scegli l alternativa corretta. 1 A Can I speak to Susan, please? b i m afraid she isn t here at the moment. 1 She plays / She s playing tennis. 2 Do you want / Are you wanting to leave a message? a can you tell her Anna 3 phoned / was phoning and 4 I ll call back / I m going to call back later. b ok, but 5 she s going out / she ll go out this evening, so can you call before about 7 o clock? 2 a 1 We go / We re going to the cinema tonight. 2 Do you want / Are you wanting to come with us? b Well, 3 I ll meet / I m meeting Viola this evening. 4 I ll see / I see if she wants to come, too. What 5 are you going to see / will you see? a it s called Love Never Wins. 6 Did you see / Have you seen it? B Yes, 7 I ve seen / I saw it last week. It s brilliant. a Well, if you 8 want / are wanting to see it again, 9 we meet / we re meeting outside the cinema at B OK, 10 I m suggesting / I ll suggest it to Viola. 3 Completa i brevi testi con il tempo corretto dei verbi tra parentesi. Italy, officially the Italian Republic, is located on the Italian Peninsula in Southern Europe. The two largest islands in the Mediterranean Sea, Sicily and Sardinia, 0 are (be) also part of Italy. Italy 1 (share) its northern border with France, Switzerland, Austria and Slovenia. Italy 2 (have) a total area of 301,230 km². Throughout its history, Italy 3 (be) the home of many European cultures, including the Etruscans and the Romans, whose Empire 4 (include) much of Western Europe. Throughout the Middle Ages, Italy 5 (consist) of a number of small independent states. The region 6 (have) a major role in the trade between East and West, and Rome 7 (be) the centre of western civilization for centuries. Italy 8 (be) unified as a kingdom in 1861 and Rome 9 (be) the capital city since On 2 nd June 1946, the Italian people 10 (vote) in a referendum to end the monarchy and Italy 11 (become) a democratic republic. Catholicism 12 (be) the dominant religion in Italy for about two thousand years. Today, 88% of Italians 13 (be) Roman Catholic and about a third 14 (attend) church every week. Vatican City in the centre of Rome is home to the Pope. It 15 (be) an independent State since Italy 16 (have) a population of just under 60 million. The population 17 currently (grow) at an annual rate of 0.02%. 4 Leggi l articolo e scegli l alternativa corretta per ogni spazio. The environmental impact of spam s Spam 0 c since the first s and it is estimated that spammers 1 62 trillion spam s globally every year. The energy used in sending, receiving and deleting spam s 2 more than 17 million tons of CO 2 every year. Studies also 3 that 22% of all activity is spam-related. Internet security organizations 4 spammers, and 5 them to the authorities. However, as soon as one operation is closed down, another one 6 its place. A few years ago, we 7 a major spamming operation and overnight spam s 8 by 70%, says internet security consultant Lauren Thomas. However, since then, spam 9 by almost 200%. And of course the spammers 10 at all concerned about the environmental impact of their business. 0 A exists B existed C has existed 1 A sent B are sending C send 2 A produces B is producing C has produced 3 A reveal B are revealing C had revealed 4 A are identifying B identify c identifies 5 A report B reported C reports 6 A takes B is taking C has taken 7 A have closed B closed down C were closing down down 8 A decrease B have decreased C decreased 9 A increases B has increased C is increasing 10 A have not been B are not being C are not 40 The Complete English Grammar Oxford University Press Photocopiable

13 12 Forma passiva e have/get something done (47 52) Forma passiva: be + past participle Affermativa Coffee is grown in Africa. The Coliseum was built in the first century AD. Negativa The Euro isn t used in the USA. I wasn t told about the meeting yesterday. Domande Are the Olympics held every four years? When were these photos taken? Have/get something done have/get complemento oggetto past participle I I get m having my hair my car cut serviced once a month. tomorrow. 1 Riscrivi le frasi alla forma passiva. 0 They grow apples in England. Apples are grown in England. 1 Americans eat three billion pizzas every year. Three billion pizzas every year in America. 2 Nickelback wrote the song Rockstar. The song Rockstar by Nickelback. 3 Levi Strauss invented jeans in the 1870s. Jeans by Levi Strauss in the 1870s. 4 They hold the World Cup every four years. The World Cup every four years. 5 They held the first World Cup in The first World Cup in They didn t hold the World Cup in 1942 and The World Cup in 1942 and Completa le notizie giornalistiche usando la forma passiva del past simple dei verbi del riquadro. arrest discover injure show recapture win steal 0 Two hundred people were arrested during an anti-war demonstration in London yesterday. 1 Twenty people in yesterday s train crash. 2 The gorilla that escaped from Chicago zoo last night and returned to the zoo. The animal by a member of the public in a wood five miles away. 3 Hollywood actress Jennifer Jones s car from outside a supermarket in Los Angles yesterday. 4 Three players the red card during last night s ill-tempered rugby match between South Africa and France. The match by South Africa. 3 Completa il testo usando la forma passiva o attiva del present simple o del past simple dei verbi tra parentesi. The history of Alcatraz The island of Alcatraz in San Francisco bay is probably the most famous prison in the world. A fort 0 was built (build) on the island in 1853 and the building 1 (use) as a prison from Alcatraz 2 (release) its last prisoner on 21 st March Many famous criminals 3 (spend) time in Alcatraz, including the gangster Al Capone, who 4 (imprison) there for five years. Conditions were strict in Alcatraz and prisoners 5 (allow) only food, clothing and medical attention. It 6 (say) that no one ever 7 (escape) from Alcatraz. The authorities 8 (claim) that any prisoners trying to escape either 9 (drown) or 10 (eat) by sharks. 4 Che cosa diresti in queste situazioni? Usa have o get e i suggerimenti del riquadro. my bike / steal my hair / cut our house / decorate it / deliver my scooter / repair 0 Someone is decorating your house at the moment. We re having our house decorated at the moment. 1 You have an appointment at the hairdresser s tomorrow. I. 2 The garage is repairing your scooter at the moment. I. 3 Someone stole your bike last week. I. 4 You do your shopping online and the supermarket delivers it. We do our shopping online and. The Complete English Grammar Oxford University Press Photocopiable 41

14 13 Verbi modali 1: tempi presenti (54 59, 62) I verbi modali: non cambiano forma He can swim. Non He cans swim. sono seguiti dalla forma base del verbo She can ski. Non She can to ski. la forma negativa usa not (n t). He can t swim. Non He doesn t can swim. non prendono do/does nelle domande. Can he drive? Non Does he can drive? Ricorda che, sebbene abbiano un significato simile ad altri verbi modali, have to e need to non sono verbi modali. Pertanto si comportano come gli altri verbi (Do we have to go? You don t need to go). I principali usi dei verbi modali al presente sono: Abilità e possibilità can, can t, be able to I can speak English. Permesso can, can t You can t smoke here. Richieste e offerte can, could, would Could you help me, please? Obbligo must, mustn t, have to, don t have to You mustn t be late. Necessità need to, don t need to You need to show your passport. Certezza e deduzione must, can t, could, might We might be late. Consigli e suggerimenti should, ought to You should go to bed. 1 Completa i dialoghi usando can e i suggerimenti del riquadro. I / play you / play you / play you / run your parents / speak my mum / speak 0 A Can you play chess? B Yes, but I m not very good. 1 A a musical instrument? B Well, the guitar a little. 2 A How fast 100 metres? B In about 12 seconds. 3 A English? B No. But a little German. 2 Che cosa diresti in queste situazioni? Usa i suggerimenti del riquadro. can / borrow can / a drink could / help me can / use could / close would / a biscuit 0 You are thirsty. Can I have a drink, please? 1 You want to borrow a pen. 2 You want someone to help you. 3 You want to offer someone a biscuit. 4 You want your friend to close the window. 5 You want to use your friend s mobile. 3 Scegli l alternativa corretta. Keep off the grass ID REQUIRED Silence please and 1 accepted here 0 You don t have to / mustn t / don t need to walk on the grass. 1 You have to / can / don t have to park here. 2 You don t have to / can t / don t need to take photos. 3 You have to / can / might show your ID. 4 You mustn t / don t have to / don t need to make any noise. 5 You don t have to / mustn t / can t pay in pounds. 6 You must / can / need to pay in euros. 7 You don t need to / can t / mustn t pay in dollars. 4 Completa le battute di B con must, might o can t. 0 A Did you phone Gary? B Yes, but there s no answer. He must be out. 1 A Whose mobile phone is this? b it be Sara s she s got one like that and she was here this morning. 2 A I passed my exam! B Well done. You be really pleased. 3 A Is there any more pizza? b You ve already had two pieces you still be hungry. 4 A Look at this photo. Where do you think it is? b Well, it looks like the UK. It be Oxford or Cambridge. Oh no, it be the UK the cars are driving on the right. 42 The Complete English Grammar Oxford University Press Photocopiable

15 14 Verbi modali 2: tempi passati (54 59, 62) I principali usi dei verbi modali al passato sono: Abilità e possibilità could, couldn t, was/were able to I could walk when I was one year old. Permesso could, couldn t We couldn t wear jeans at school. Obbligo had to, didn t have to We had to wear a tie at school. Necessità needed to, didn t need to, needn t have I didn t need to go. Certezza e deduzione must have, can t have, could have, might have You must have been exhausted. Consigli e suggerimenti should have, ought to have You should have said hello. 1 Correggi le frasi scrivendo la forma al passato dei verbi modali. 0 When I was at school, we can t wear couldn t wear jeans. 1 I can t go out last night. I need to do my homework. 2 We don t have to go to school yesterday. 3 I have to leave school early yesterday. I have to go to the dentist. 4 Only a few people passed the exam. It must be very difficult. 5 I ve lost my bag. I think I might leave it on the bus. 6 You really should visit the Coliseum when you were in Rome. 2 Completa i dialoghi con could o couldn t e i verbi del riquadro. afford count find get see use 0 A Did you get that new mobile you wanted? B No, I couldn t afford it. 1 A Did you get some money? B No, I an ATM. 2 A How was the concert? b it was OK, but we were at the back and we much. 3 A Can you use mobiles at school? b Well, we them in my old school, but it s not allowed in my new school. 4 A When did you first learn French? b Well, I to ten when I was five. 5 A Did you go to the match last night? b No. I a ticket, so I watched it on TV. 3 Completa le frasi in modo che il significato non cambi. Devi usare tra due e cinque parole, inclusa la parola in corsivo. 0 Peter s new TV is amazing. I think it cost thousands of pounds. must Peter s new TV is amazing. It must have cost thousands of pounds. 1 i wasn t allowed to play computer games until I was twelve. couldn t i computer games until I was twelve. 2 it wasn t necessary to change the shoes. They fitted perfectly. need i the shoes. They fitted perfectly. 3 it was obligatory to study at least one language when I was at school. had We at least one language when I was at school. 4 My internet connection wasn t working earlier. I think there was a problem with the server. must My internet connection wasn t working earlier. There a problem with the server. 5 Where s Lucy? Do you think it s possible that she missed the bus? might Where s Lucy? Do you think she the bus? 6 it s not possible that you left your bag in the car. I ve checked it twice. can t You your bag in the car. I ve checked it twice. 4 Completa le frasi relative ai cambiamenti legislativi nel Regno Unito con la forma corretta, al presente o al passato, dei verbi modali. 0 Today, you can t smoke in public buildings, but before 2008 you could. 1 Today, all tobacco advertising is banned in the UK. Before 2005, tobacco companies advertise in magazines and before 1965 they also advertise on TV. 2 You wear a seat belt in a car it s the law. But before 1982, you wear one. 3 Today, all women over the age of 18 vote in the UK. However, before 1918, women in the UK vote, and until 1928, only women over 30 vote. The Complete English Grammar Oxford University Press Photocopiable 43

16 15 Domande (65 66) Be Present e past simple Altri tempi verbali Be + soggetto Do + soggetto + forma base Verbo ausiliare + soggetto + verbo principale Are you Italian? Was the film good? What is your name? Do you watch TV? Does he like rugby? Where did you go? Is it raining? Have you been to the UK? What are you doing? Quando la domanda riguarda il soggetto di una frase, l ordine delle parole è lo stesso della frase affermativa. Which football team plays at Old Trafford? Non Which football team does play at Old Trafford? Who gave you the book? Non Who did give you the book? 1 Scrivi le domande per queste risposte usando i suggerimenti del riquadro. what / first film? what / do in your free time? have got / a nickname? when / start acting? how / get your name? The two-minute interview This week Bar Rafaeli what kind of music / like? what / favourite food? where / born? have / a favourite actor? 0 Where were you born? I was born in Israel in My mother liked this name. It s short and simple. 2 No, I haven t. Bar s short enough. 3 When I was 12, I was in a TV advert. 4 My first film was called Dinosaurs. 5 Yes, I do. It s Daniel Radcliffe. 6 I love all kinds of fruit and vegetables. 7 My favourite bands are Oasis and Coldplay. 8 I read and listen to music. I m not a party girl. 2 Scrivi le domande per queste risposte. 0 What s your name? My name s Jimmy. 1 I was born in Manchester. 2 I m i live with my parents and my sister. 4 Yes, I like school very much. 5 No, I don t speak Italian. 6 No, I ve never been to Italy. 7 Yes, I play the guitar. 8 i started to play the guitar last year. 9 Yes, I have. My favourite group is U2. 10 No, I haven t seen them live. 3 Completa le domande dei dialoghi usando i suggerimenti del riquadro. countries / border drive buy people / go team / win write 0 A Which countries border Italy? B France, Switzerland, Austria and Slovenia. 1 A Roma played Juventus last night. B? A Roma. The score was A We came by car. B? A Claudio. 3 A Have you read Northern Lights? B No, I haven t. it? A Philip Pullman. 4 A Do you like my necklace? B Yes. it for you? A Tina. 5 A to Rachel s party next Friday? B About twenty, I think. 4 Completa le domande con le espressioni del riquadro. What time How much How long How far How old How tall How fast What colour What kind 0 A What time is it? B It s half past four. 1 A is it? B It s red. 2 A can it go? B About 300 kmh. 3 A is it? B It s A is it? B It s a kilometre from here. 5 A is he? B He s sixteen I think. 6 A is she? B She s about 1 metre A is the River Thames? B It s about 215 miles. 8 A of restaurant is it? B It s Italian. 44 The Complete English Grammar Oxford University Press Photocopiable

17 16 Domande indirette (70) Locuzione interrogativa Do you (happen to) know Could you tell me Have you any idea Espressione interrogativa o if if where what time Soggetto + verbo there s an ATM near here? the library is? the swimming pool closes? Dopo la locuzione interrogativa, è possibile usare l espressione interrogativa + infinito (Do you know how to use the dishwasher?) o un nome (Do you know her name?). Si usano le domande indirette se si vuole essere più cauti o più formali ed educati. 1 Riordina le parole date per completare le domande. 0 you / do/ know Do you know where my coat is? 1 could / me / tell / you where the bus stop is? 2 you / know / do what time it is? 3 idea / any / you / have where my mobile is? 4 do / know / you how old she is? 5 any / have / idea / you where Tom s car is? 2 Riordina le parole in modo da formare delle domande. 0 where / is / Samantha / do you know Do you know where Samantha is? 1 is / have you any idea / it / what time 2 what time / do you know / closes / the bank 3 lives / Paolo / where / do you know 4 how old / are / you / could you tell me 3 Trasforma le domande dirette in domande indirette. 0 What s your address? Could you tell me what your address is? 1 When does the film start? Do you know? 2 What s Oliver s mobile number? Do you happen to know? 3 Is this seat free? Do you know? 4 What time does the bar close? Have you any idea? 5 Does Erica speak English? Do you happen to know? 4 Un amico ti ha lasciato questi messaggi, ma hai bisogno di altre informazioni. Scrivi le domande che gli faresti: inizia con Do you know o Do you happen to know. 0 The Ace are playing tonight want to go? How much? Do you know how much the tickets are? 1 Sam phoned. Can you call him back? Sam s phone number? 2 Claire phoned. Can you meet her at the airport? Which flight? 3 Andrew wants to borrow a DVD. Which DVD? 4 Maria phoned meet her at her house at Where does she live? 5 Someone borrowed your bike. Who? The Complete English Grammar Oxford University Press Photocopiable 45

18 17 Verbi + -ing o infinito (75 78) Quando un verbo (a parte gli ausiliari e i verbi modali) regge un altro verbo, il secondo può essere seguito dalla forma -ing (I enjoy going to school.) o dall infinito (I hope to go to university.). Alcuni verbi possono essere seguiti sia dalla forma -ing che dall infinito, con una differenza di significato (Did you remember to post the letter? I don t remember taking this photo!). 1 Decidi se i seguenti verbi sono seguiti dalla forma -ing o dall infinito. 0 aim infinito 9 miss 0 admit -ing 10 offer 1 agree 11 plan 2 arrange 12 promise 3 decide 13 recommend 4 deny 14 refuse 5 expect 15 spend time 6 feel like 16 suggest 7 finish 17 tend 8 manage 18 want 2 Completa le frasi con la forma corretta dei verbi tra parentesi: la forma -ing o l infinito. 0 Boris denied breaking (break) the window. 1 We ve arranged (meet) at I don t mind (cook) dinner tonight. 3 I spent about two hours (do) my homework last night. 4 We expect (arrive) at about midnight. 5 I ve invited Julia (come) to the cinema with us. 6 Can you remind me (close) the windows before we leave? 7 My parents always encourage me (do) my best. 8 I can t stop (eat) chocolate. 9 I can t face (do) any more work. 10 I m learning (drive) at the moment. 11 I hope (see) you soon. 12 I really enjoy (go) to school. 3 Scegli l alternativa corretta. 0 a You don t need to leave this early, do you? Your train isn t for another hour. b i know, but I always like to get / getting to the station half an hour before the train leaves. 1 a Did you remember to / ing the photo to Joanna? B Yes, I sent it this morning. 2 a My computer isn t working properly. I think it s that new software. B Have you tried to reinstall / reinstalling it? A Yes, but it s still not right. 3 a This new mobile is rubbish! I really regret to buy / buying it now. B I did warn you! 4 A Dave says he s coming to your party. B Did he? I don t remember to invite / inviting him. 5 A Are you going to the game tonight? b No, I tried to get / getting a ticket, but they d sold out. 4 Completa le frasi con le espressioni verbali dei riquadri. speaking to speaking to speak 0 It s good to speak English. 0 I enjoy speaking English. 0 I m getting used to speaking English to go to going going 1 I really want to Spain on holiday this year. 2 We re thinking of to Spain on holiday this year. 3 I m really looking forward to Spain on holiday this year. to play play playing 4 I can t stand computer games. 5 My parents don t let me computer games. 6 My parents don t allow me computer games. to see seeing see 7 I can t decide which film. 8 Is the film worth? 9 What are you looking at? Let me. 5 Completa le frasi con il verbo corretto. 0 I love going to the cinema. 1 I hate to the dentist. 2 I love computer games in the evening. 3 I like English, especially with English people. 4 I don t like up early in the morning. 5 I don t mind homework. 46 The Complete English Grammar Oxford University Press Photocopiable

19 18 Strutture verbali (87 92) Alcuni verbi hanno diversi significati e usi. Alcuni dei più comuni sono: get, have, make, do, take e go. 1 Scegli l alternativa corretta. 0 Did you get / make wet when it rained? 1 I got / took a new camera from my parents for Christmas. 2 What time do you usually have / take dinner? 3 How do you get / make to work? By bus, or do you drive? 4 I like your new mobile. Can I make / have a look? 5 Can you make / do me a favour? 6 I made / took lots of photos on holiday. 7 I m going to make / do a coffee. Do you want one? 8 I need to make / do some washing before I go out. 9 It takes / makes twenty minutes to walk to school. 10 Do you make / take milk in your coffee? 11 Blue or black? You need to make / do a decision. 12 How did your exam go / do? 13 I stayed at home last night and made / did my homework. 14 My new scooter can do / make 150 kilometres an hour! 3 Scrivi le espressioni del riquadro nella colonna corretta: make o do. an appointment your best a bungee jump a pizza /a coffee a decision an effort an excuse a fuss an impression a mess a noise some shopping a speech some work make an appointment athletics breakfast/lunch a choice some damage a difference an exercise someone a favour your homework a list a mistake a phone call some sightseeing some washing yoga do your best 2 Completa i dialoghi con la forma corretta di get, have, make, do, take o go. 0 a You re a brilliant guitarist. How did you get to be so good? B It takes years of practice. 1 A Do you any sports? b Yes, I athletics and I swimming three times a week. 2 a What did you your mum for her birthday? b Some flowers. I also the cooking all day. 3 A Did you a good time in Rome? b Great, but we didn t to see the Pantheon, which was a shame. 4 A How do you to school? B By bus. It about ten minutes. 5 A How did your job interview? b it well, I think. I don t think I any mistakes. 6 A Please, another biscuit. b No, thanks, I couldn t. I ve three already. 7 a What s the best way to to the airport? b i m not sure. I ll and ask my brother. He ll know. 8 a Did you a good time at Simona s party? b Yeah, it was great. I lots of photos. Here, a look. 4 Riscrivi le frasi in modo che il significato non cambi. Usa le espressioni dell Esercizio 3. 0 I need to phone somebody. I need to make a phone call. 1 I m going to buy some things. 2 You need to decide. 3 Have you chosen? 4 I did as well as I could. 5 I was wrong. The Complete English Grammar Oxford University Press Photocopiable 47

20 19 Discorso indiretto (97 99) I principali verbi che introducono il discorso indiretto sono say (He said he was hungry.) e tell (He told me he was hungry.). Si usa un complemento oggetto (me, us, Peter ecc.) dopo tell. Di norma si cambia il tempo verbale quando si usano said e told nel discorso indiretto. I m tired. à She said she was tired. Quando si usano says e tells non si cambia il tempo verbale. I m tired. à She says she s tired. Si riferiscono delle domande usando verbi quali ask, want to know e wonder. Where are you going? à He asked me where I was going. Non He asked me where was I going. Do you live near here? à He wanted to know if I lived near here. Non He wanted to know did I live near here. Si usa l infinito per riferire un imperativo. Stop! à She told me to stop. Wait a minute. à He asked us to wait a minute. Altri verbi che si usano per introdurre il discorso indiretto sono apologize, deny, invite offer, refuse, suggest, explain ecc. I ll help you if you like. à She offered to help me. Shall we go for a burger? à Sam suggested going for a burger. 1 Scegli l alternativa corretta. 0 Alicia said / told she didn t like Chinese food. 1 He said / told his name was Alex. 2 He said / told us he was from the USA. 3 Mr Smith said / told us that the exam is on Monday. 4 The TV said / told it was going to rain later today. 5 Teresa says / tells me it s your birthday tomorrow. 6 Simon says / tells he s going on holiday next week. 2 Riferisci queste frasi. 0 I m thirsty. He said he was thirsty. 1 I m exhausted. She said. 2 I m going to be late for school tomorrow. I told the teacher. 3 We re going to the cinema tonight. Antonio said they. 4 Tom s taking his driving test tomorrow. Sam tells me. 5 I m getting a new camera for my birthday. Sophia says. 6 Send the photo to Federica. He told me. 7 Wait here for a minute. She asked us. 8 Be quiet! The teacher told us. 9 I don t like it. She said. 10 I ll see you at the party. Freddie said. 3 Riferisci queste domande. 0 How old are you? He asked me how old I was. 1 What s Alice s address? She asked me. 2 Where does Patricia live? He wanted to know. 3 Do you want to go for a pizza? He asked me. 4 Have you finished your project? Mr Jones wanted to know. 5 Do you speak English? She wanted to know. 6 Are you going out tonight? He asked me. 4 Riferisci quanto è stato detto usando i verbi del riquadro. apologize invite refuse offer promise deny suggest 0 I won t tell anyone. I promise. He promised not to tell anyone. 1 Shall we go for a pizza? Jane. 2 I m sorry for being late. Martin. 3 Do you want to come to my party? Sara. 4 I ll help you if you like. She. 5 I m not going to tell you. My brother. 6 I didn t break the window. Sam. 48 The Complete English Grammar Oxford University Press Photocopiable

21 20 Periodo ipotetico e wish ( ) Si usano il periodo ipotetico generale e di primo tipo per parlare di fatti e situazioni che sono sempre vere, per situazioni presenti e per possibili situazioni future (If it s a nice day tomorrow, we ll go for a picnic. If you re tired, go to bed.). Si usano il periodo ipotetico di secondo e terzo tipo per parlare di situazioni ipotetiche o irreali (If I were you, I d go to bed. If I d worked harder, I d have passed my exams.). Si usano wish e if only per esprimere: un desiderio attuale (I wish I had more money.) il desiderio che qualcosa si verifichi o cambi (I wish it would stop raining.) un desiderio al passato (I wish I d worked harder.) 1 Abbina l inizio e la fine delle frasi. 0 If it wasn t raining, the plants would die. If it didn t rain, we could go for a walk. 1 I m sure if you work hard, you ll pass the exam. If you get above 50%, you pass the exam. 2 If I were you, i d go to bed. If you re tired, go to bed 3 If I had time, i ll help you. If I have time, i d help you. 4 If we d left on time, we won t be late. If we leave on time, we wouldn t have been late. 2 Completa le frasi con la forma corretta dei verbi tra parentesi. Le frasi si riferiscono a situazioni reali o possibili. 0 If I see (see) Tony, I ll give (give) him your message. 1 If we (miss) the bus, we (be) late. 2 If you (be) hungry, (get) something to eat. 3 If I (have) time later, I (help) you with your work. 4 If you (not understand) the exercise, (ask) the teacher. 5 What (you/do) if it (rain) tomorrow? 3 Completa le frasi con la forma corretta dei verbi tra parentesi. Le frasi si riferiscono a situazioni irreali o ipotetiche. 0 If I had (have) more money, I d get (get) a new mobile. 1 If I (win) the lottery, I (buy) a house with a big garden. 2 If you (speak) perfect English, you (not need) to study it. 3 If I (have) more free time, I (read) a lot more. 4 If I (get up) earlier this morning, I (not be) late for school. 5 We (not get) lost yesterday if we (take) a map with us. 6 If I (work) harder, I (not fail) my exam. 4 Non sei contento di queste situazioni. Esprimi un desiderio per ciascuna di esse. 0 It s raining. I wish it wasn t raining. 1 Your computer isn t working. 2 You don t have a scooter. 3 It s Monday morning. 4 It isn t Friday. 5 You didn t pass your driving test. 6 You spent all your money. 5 Completa le frasi usando le espressioni del riquadro. go to Australia be able to go to be an actor go to the beach buy a sports car university read more books be the Pope 0 If I could visit any country, I d go to Australia. 1 If I won the lottery,. 2 If I pass all my exams,. 3 If I had more free time,. 4 If it s nice at the weekend,. 5 If I could meet anyone famous,. 6 If I could have any job,. The Complete English Grammar Oxford University Press Photocopiable 49

22 21 Nomi ( ) Nomi numerabili e non numerabili I nomi numerabili hanno due forme: singolare e plurale. Si possono usare con a/an o con un numero. I ve got a brother and two sisters. I nomi non numerabili hanno una sola forma. Non si possono usare con a/an o con un numero. We need some milk. I love music. Plurali La maggior parte dei nomi formano il plurale aggiungendo -s (car à cars). Ci sono però dei nomi che, in base a come terminano, formano il plurale aggiungendo -es o -ies (bus à buses, city à cities). Ci sono numerosi plurali irregolari (man à men, person à people). Possessivi: s e the... of Di norma si usa s per persone, animali, negozi, le case delle persone ed espressioni di tempo. This is my brother s school. Good luck in Friday s exam! I m going to the doctor s. Let s meet at Ben s. This is Chris s room. Nota che quando un nome termina in -s perché è alla forma plurale, si aggiunge senza -s. This is my parents room. Di norma si usa the of per gli oggetti (What s the title of the book? My desk is at the back of the class.). Dopo un nome singolare che termina in -s si usa s. 1 Scrivi a/an con i nomi numerabili e some con i nomi non numerabili. 0 a room 7 job 0 some accommodation 8 money 1 advice 9 season 2 car 10 spaghetti 3 euro 11 suggestion 4 homework 12 traffic 5 idea 13 nice weather 6 information 14 work 2 Scrivi -s quando è necessario. 0 I need to get some money. I ve got some dollars, but no euros. 1 The car was full of luggage. We all had lots of bag and suitcase. 2 Steve made some great suggestion about applying for university and he gave me some useful advice. 3 The tourist office had lots of information and gave us some great idea for things to do. 4 We had great accommodation on holiday. All the room had lots of furniture, including a dining table and some chair. 5 Sean has got brown hair and green eye. 6 I ve got lots of homework to do. It s some grammar exercise and some research for my project. 3 Scrivi la forma plurale di questi nomi. 0 book books 8 wish 1 school 9 city 2 coach 10 child 3 party 11 woman 4 class 12 man 5 monkey 13 person 6 knife 14 foot 7 box 15 tooth 4 Immagina di aver trovato tutte questi oggetti ad una festa e completa il dialogo. student student student student student student student student student Name: student Luke student Brown student student student student student student student student student Rick Smith A Look at all these things left at the party. B Whose are they? A Well, the student card is 0 Luke s. And this identity card is 1. B And that jacket? Has it got a name in it? A Yes, it s 2. B And the book? A Just a minute, let me see. Oh, it s 3. 5 Scegli l alternativa corretta. identity identity identity identity identity identity identity identity identity identity identity identity identity identity identity identity identity identity identity identity Guido Rossi This book belongs to: James 0 Peter s house is at the end of this road / this road s end. 1 Have you read the paper of today / today s paper? 2 Did you go to the party of Federica / Federica s party? 3 We always sit at the back of the classroom / classroom s back. 4 Are you going on the school trip of next week / next week s school trip? 5 What s the sister of Tina s name / the name of the sister of Tina / Tina s sister s name? 6 Are you going to Karl s and Janet s / Karl and Janet s wedding? 7 Are those the children s / childrens books? 8 Is this your parents s / parents car? 50 The Complete English Grammar Oxford University Press Photocopiable

23 22 Articoli ( ) A/an si usa quando chi parla o chi ascolta (o entrambi) non sono a conoscenza in modo specifico della cosa di cui si sta parlando (Have you got a car?). The si usa quando sia chi parla sia chi ascolta sanno specificamente di che cosa si sta parlando (I m going to wash the car.). Si omette l articolo quando si parla di qualcosa in senso generale (I love pizza.). Ci sono casi specifici in cui si usa a/an, the o si omette l articolo (He s a teacher. I ve got a headache. I play the piano. The Egyptians invented paper. What time is dinner? I don t like yellow.). 1 Completa le frasi con a/an o the. 0 A What does your dad do? B He s a lawyer. 1 A Have you got laptop? B Yes, I have. 2 A Which is your coat? b it s red one over there on sofa. 3 a here s money I borrowed from you last week. B Oh, thanks. 4 a Does your country have king or queen? b No, it doesn t. It s republic so it has president. 5 A Do you play musical instrument? B Yes, I play piano. 6 a We re going to see film tonight. Do you want to come? B Which one? a oh, new one with Johnny Depp. I can t remember name of it. We re meeting outside ABC cinema at a have you got computer games console? b Yes, I ve got two. I ve got old one and new one. I prefer new one. games are better. 8 a We stayed in fantastic hotel in Paris. food was amazing, and it had swimming pool on the roof. b What was name of hotel? I ll tell my parents. They re thinking of going to Paris for few days in summer. 2 Completa le frasi con the o (se non c è bisogno dell articolo). 0 A Do you enjoy school? B Yes, I do. The lessons are fun. 1 A Would you like a coffee? B Yes, thanks. a Do you take milk and sugar? B Just milk, please. 2 A What s your favourite colour? B blue. 3 a Do you know who invented electric guitar? b Yes, it was Adolph Rickenbacker in 1930s. 4 a is tulip the national flower of UK? B No, it s rose. 5 A Does your brother live at home? b No, he s at university in Rome. He s studying chemistry. 6 a What kind of music do you listen to? b Well, 90% of the time I listen to rock. Mostly bands like Green Day and Nirvana. But I occasionally listen to classical music. 3 Completa le informazioni sul Regno Unito con a/an, the o (se non c è bisogno dell articolo). UK facts 0 The population of the UK is about 60 million. 1 London is capital city of United Kingdom. It is in south-east of country and has area of 1,600 km 2. 2 London has population of about eight million. It is biggest city in European Union and 25 th largest city in world. 3 UK is constitutional monarchy, which means it has monarch. King or Queen lives in Buckingham Palace in centre of London. 4 The UK also has Prime Minister, who is leader of government. Prime Minister lives at number 10 Downing Street. 5 highest mountain in UK is Ben Nevis in Scotland. longest river is Thames, which flows through London. 6 football is national sport. England won World Cup in rugby and cricket are also very popular in UK. 7 main celebration in UK is Christmas. Traditionally, families get together and buy each other presents. 8 UK is generally quite expensive and everyday expenses such as clothes, food and travel generally cost more than in rest of Europe. 9 British children go to school from the age of 5 to 16. About 25% stay at school for another two years and then go to university. The Complete English Grammar Oxford University Press Photocopiable 51

24 23 Quantificatori ( ) Si usano i quantificatori per parlare di quantità (some people, a few cars, a little rain, every student, all the children, both bags). Some e any Si usa di norma some nelle frasi affermative (I ve got some money.) e any nelle frasi negative e interrogative (I haven t got any money. Have you got any money?). Ma si usa some per domande che sono richieste e offerte e quando ci si aspetta una domanda positiva con yes (Can I borrow some money?). Le regole per some e any valgono anche per something, anything, somewhere, anyone, nothing ecc. Many, much, a lot, a few e a little Si usano many e a few con i nomi numerabili (many cars, a few friends), mentre si usano much e a little con i nomi non numerabili (much money, a little rain). Si usa a lot/lots (of) sia con i nomi numerabili sia con i nomi non numerabili. A volte è possibile usare un quantificatore senza un nome (There s no milk. I ll go and buy some. Did you have any rain? ~ Yes, a little.). 1 Completa le frasi usando some, any, someone, something o anything. 0 A Have you got any decaffeinated coffee? B Yes, there s some in the kitchen cupboard. 1 A Have you got brothers and sisters? B Yes, two sisters. 2 A Are there cafés near here? B Yes, there are near the river. 3 A Is there good on TV tonight? B Yes, there s a good film on at a i haven t got money for the bus fare. Could I borrow? B I m afraid I haven t got Sorry. 5 A phoned for you earlier. B Did they leave a message? a Yes, they said about a party next weekend. I wrote it down on a piece of paper. 2 Completa le frasi usando many, much, a lot, a few o a little. 0 A How much money have you got on you? B Just a few euros. 1 A How students are there in your class? B About A Would you like some more coffee? B Yes, just. 3 A Did you spend money last night? B No, not. 4 A Have you got CDs? b only 3 or 4, I think. But my mum and dad have got over a i didn t know people at the party last night. b No, me neither. I just knew people from school. 3 Riscrivi le frasi usando una parola del riquadro facendo attenzione alle quantità indicate. no a few a little a lot of 0 I ve got about 300 DVDs. I ve got a lot of DVDs. 1 I ve got about a euro on me. I ve got. 2 Suzy s been to about 20 countries. Suzy s been to. 3 I ve got two or three pairs of shoes. I ve got. 4 I ve never been to a football match. I ve been to. 5 We spoke for one or two minutes. We spoke for. 6 Jim s got about 5000 songs on his MP3 player. Jim s got. 7 It didn t rain yesterday. We had. 8 It rained for about five minutes yesterday. We had. 4 Scegli l alternativa corretta. 0 My sister and I both / all do ballet. 1 Let s get a taxi. There aren t no / any buses. 2 It s a secret. Don t tell anyone / no one. 3 How many / much times have you been to France? 4 I ve seen each / all the Harry Potter films. 5 Most / Most of Italian people like football. 6 A Did you do every / all your homework? B Yes, every / all exercise. 7 a how much / many brothers have you got? b Two. They re each / both younger than me. 8 A Tea or coffee? B Neither / None, thanks. I ve just had a drink. 9 A How shall we get to the party? B Well, we can both / either walk or / and go by bike. 10 A Is there many / any wine left? B Not any / None, I m afraid. 52 The Complete English Grammar Oxford University Press Photocopiable

25 24 Pronomi e possessivi ( ) I pronomi personali soggetto (I, he, she ecc.) precedono sempre il verbo, mentre i pronomi complemento oggetto (me, him, her ecc.) seguono sempre il verbo (I saw him. She gave me a book.). I pronomi riflessivi si usano come complemento di un verbo riflessivo (I enjoyed myself.) oppure dopo il complemento di un verbo (I fixed the computer myself.). Gli aggettivi possessivi vanno sempre prima del nome a cui si riferiscono (This is my coat.), mentre l aggettivo possessivo si usa da solo (This is mine.). 1 Completa la tabella. Pronomi personali soggetto Pronomi personali oggetto Pronomi riflessivi Aggettivi possessivi Pronomi possessivi I you he 0 she it 1 they me 2 him her 3 us 4 5 yourself/yourselves himself herself 6 ourselves themselves my your 7 8 its 9 their his hers ours 12 2 Completa le frasi con il pronome complemento oggetto mancante. 0 I ve lost my ID card. Have you seen it? 1 This is my friend Sue. I am in the same class as. 2 Where are my keys? I can t find. 3 I m not going to Jane s party. She didn t invite. 4 I like your new mobile. When did you get? 5 Do you need a lift to the station? I can take. 6 I need to speak to John. Have you seen? 7 We re lost. Can you help? 3 Completa i dialoghi usando l aggettivo o il pronome possessivo corretto. 0 A Is your house number 16? B No, ours is number A Do you know Andrew Jones? B No, but I know brother, Billy. 2 A Is this Sam and Dave s house? B No, the door s blue. door is red. 3 A Whose is this laptop? b it s. I bought it last week. It s the same as, isn t it? A Yes, exactly the same. I m really pleased with it. 4 A Is this Sarah s mobile? b No, is silver. But Roberto s got a black one like that. Maybe it s. 5 a have you seen shoes? I can t find them. b There are some shoes under the table. Are they? A No, they re not. They re Alison s. 6 a can I borrow bike to cycle to town? b Yes, of course. But what s wrong with? A Oh, mine s got a flat tyre. 4 Completa le frasi usando il pronome riflessivo corretto. 0 No one helped me with my homework. I did it myself. 1 Let me introduce : I m Giorgio. 2 She hasn t had a skiing lesson in her life. She taught. 3 I made the tiramisu. I didn t buy it. 4 Don t blame. It wasn t your fault. 5 We really enjoyed at the party. It was great. 6 Carla and Jacob fixed the computer. No one helped them. 5 Scegli l alternativa corretta. 0 Which seats are we / our / ours? 1 Is this you / your / yours bag? 2 Is this mobile your / yours / yourselves? 3 I installed the new software me / mine / myself. 4 Can you help we / us / our, please? I think ourselves / us / we are lost. 5 This isn t me / mine / my coffee. Is it your / yours / yourself? 6 I cut me / myself / mine while I was shaving this morning. 7 If you see Martin, can you ask he / his / him to call myself / my / me? 8 Did you say you / your / yours wanted Angela s address? Well, I ve got she / her / hers brother s address, but I haven t got she / her / hers. The Complete English Grammar Oxford University Press Photocopiable 53

26 25 Preposizioni ( , ) Si usano le preposizioni per parlare di: luogo e ubicazione (My keys are on the table. I live in Rome.) movimento (I went to the UK. We ran through the park.) tempo (I was born in Let s meet at I saw him on Friday.) Le preposizioni si usano inoltre: prima di un nome (Christopher s on the phone. What s the answer to question 6?) dopo un verbo (Do you believe in ghosts? I lent my bike to Frank.) dopo un aggettivo (I m excited about my holiday. I m not interested in music.) 1 Scegli l alternativa corretta. 0 I live in / at Leeds. 1 My school is over / next to a park. 2 I ll meet you at / on the bus station. 3 We went to / at a restaurant last night. 4 Let s meet to / at the cinema to / at I live at / in Oxford. Near / Through the city centre at / in Green Street. 6 I usually walk to / at school. But sometimes I go with / by bike. 7 My birthday is in / on April. On / At the 15 th. 8 I translated the song in / into Italian. 9 I m going at / to a party at / on Saturday. 10 The film starts in / after ten minutes. 11 We re going in / to France during / for two weeks at / in the summer. From / For the 13 th at / to the 27 th August. 12 a Where do I get off / out the bus? B There s a stop opposite / under my house. 2 Scrivi dove si trovano gli oggetti raffigurati. Usa There s a e le parole date. 3 Completa le frasi in modo che siano vere per te. 0 I was born in Rome. (place) 1 I was born. (year) 2 My birthday is. (month) 3 My birthday is. (date) 4 I live.(place) 5 My school is.(street) 6 I go to school. (start time + finish time) 7 Last weekend, I went. (place) 8 I usually go to bed. (time) 4 Completa le frasi usando la preposizione corretta. 0 I came here by bike. 1 I go to school foot. 2 There s a good film TV tonight. 3 Jack and Katie are love! 4 The coffee machine is of order the moment. 5 I prefer physics chemistry. 6 Who does this coat belong? 7 I listen music all the time. 8 I ve borrowed 30 my brother. 9 Jim spends all his money magazines. 10 Are you interested astrology? 11 I m feeling nervous my driving test. 12 Pisa is famous the Leaning Tower. 13 I m quite good tennis, but I m useless squash. 14 What s your opinion the new Arctic Monkeys album? 15 Look at this photo Ian when he was a baby! 5 Abbina l inizio e la fine delle frasi. 0 There s a vase on the table. vase/table 1 cat/table 2 picture/wall 3 bag/floor 4 pair of boots/bag 5 mirror/fireplace 0 I believe c a to rock music. 1 I m interested b at tennis. 2 I generally listen c in miracles. 3 I generally spend money d of spiders. 4 I m afraid e on clothes. 5 I m good f of winning the lottery. 6 I dream g in astronomy. 7 I m fed up h of passing my exams. 8 I m proud i with this weather. 54 The Complete English Grammar Oxford University Press Photocopiable

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